Career exploration field trips immerse CCA students in exciting workplaces
Learn how a public cyber charter school uses field trips to give middle and high school students real world experiences of professionals in a variety of fields.
From Commonwealth Charter Academy
How Schools Can Successfully Partner with Local Businesses
Learn how schools can partner with local businesses to arrange student conferences, guest speakers, job shadowing, mentorships and internships.
How One Math Project Inspired a Dozen Architecture Careers
Learn how 8th graders apply geometry and personal finance knowledge to design and budget for their dream homes.
How to Organize an Art Show
Learn how to organize a show featuring students’ art projects at your school.
International Night
Read about an event that allows students to celebrate their cultures and promotes acceptance and diversity.
Internships Help Students Prepare for Workplace
Read students and staff reflections on internships and job shadow experiences.
Job Shadowing for High School Students
Read about the benefits of job shadowing, how to set up job shadowing opportunities, and how to get the most out of the experience.
Language Scholar in Residence
Read about how a polymath university professor from Texas spent a week at a Virginia high school and enriched teachers’ practice and students’ learning experiences.
Look Before You Leap: Job Shadowing Offers a Realistic Preview of Careers
Learn tips for setting up meaningful job shadowing experiences for students.
Making the Most of Mentors for Students
Learn how mentorship is helping high school students transform their communities and future prospects.